This quinoa salad keeps things very simple, highlighting this nutty grain in tandem with lots of delicious fresh asparagus. It's a lot like tabbouli,...
Quinoa has a light, fluffy texture when cooked, and can be used as an alternative to white rice or couscous in most dishes. The arugula has a rich peppery...
This recipe is very good. Serve warm for a main dish or cold for a side dish. In place of quinoa, you can also use the same amount of brown rice or bulghur...
A perfect spring, summer, or anytime salad. Loaded with protein and fiber, but so delicious you would never guess how healthy it is! If you are making...
A perfect spring, summer, or anytime salad. Loaded with protein and fiber, but so delicious you would never guess how healthy it is! If you are making...
The original recipe is from a friend, and I modified it by adding some ingredients to the recipe. Since it has an abundance of goodness in it, I'll often...
This is the perfect lunch or dinner recipe to help you get a great dose of veggies with added flavor and nutrients. Serve garnished with dried basil and...
This is the perfect lunch or dinner recipe to help you get a great dose of veggies with added flavor and nutrients. Serve garnished with dried basil and...
Packed with fiber, protein, and potassium and lightly dressed with fresh lemon juice and olive oil. This is a family favorite that is always requested...
Intriguing combination of quinoa, arugula, dried cranberries, avocado and grapefruit with a spicy dressing make this a snazzy side dish or lovely summer...
This fresh, colorful, Greek-inspired salad is perfect for summertime, either as a dinner side dish or a vegetarian lunch entree. This salad can be served...
This fresh, colorful, Greek-inspired salad is perfect for summertime, either as a dinner side dish or a vegetarian lunch entree. This salad can be served...
Found this and thought I would share since quinoa seems to be becoming so popular. This make-ahead salad (served warm or room temperature) is great for...
Intriguing combination of quinoa, arugula, dried cranberries, avocado and grapefruit with a spicy dressing make this a snazzy side dish or lovely summer...
Intriguing combination of quinoa, arugula, dried cranberries, avocado and grapefruit with a spicy dressing make this a snazzy side dish or lovely summer...
This fresh, colorful, Greek-inspired salad is perfect for summertime, either as a dinner side dish or a vegetarian lunch entree. This salad can be served...
If you are looking for a balanced vegetarian meal that is easy to make but full of flavor, then I recommend this earthy, yet tangy chickpea and quinoa...
This dish is a meal in itself-- it contains a good fat (olive oil), green vegetables (broccoli), a whole grain (quinoa), and a protein source (garbanzo...
This dish is a meal in itself-- it contains a good fat (olive oil), green vegetables (broccoli), a whole grain (quinoa), and a protein source (garbanzo...
This dish is a meal in itself-- it contains a good fat (olive oil), green vegetables (broccoli), a whole grain (quinoa), and a protein source (garbanzo...
This dish is a meal in itself-- it contains a good fat (olive oil), green vegetables (broccoli), a whole grain (quinoa), and a protein source (garbanzo...
A seriously amazing and fresh salad; the epitome of healthy and nutrition-packed. I served this over fresh baby kale with balsamic dressing on the side...
A seriously amazing and fresh salad; the epitome of healthy and nutrition-packed. I served this over fresh baby kale with balsamic dressing on the side...
If you are looking for a super healthy dish that has robust flavor and leaves your guests feeling full without guilt, this is a great accompaniment to...
A seriously amazing and fresh salad; the epitome of healthy and nutrition-packed. I served this over fresh baby kale with balsamic dressing on the side...
On a slow day, I tried sprouting chickpeas. After eating quite a few, I tried planting a few. They grew into the most beautiful seedlings I have ever seen....
This bright and colorful salad is a great summertime recipe (or anytime you want to feel like it's summertime). Light and citrusy, it's a whole new way...
Intriguing combination of quinoa, arugula, dried cranberries, avocado and grapefruit with a spicy dressing make this a snazzy side dish or lovely summer...
This is my absolute favorite quinoa recipe! It's so flavorful and always a big hit with my family and friends. Trust me, you'll want to eat every single...
Quinoa has a light, fluffy texture when cooked, and can be used as an alternative to white rice or couscous in most dishes. The arugula has a rich peppery...
Intriguing combination of quinoa, arugula, dried cranberries, avocado and grapefruit with a spicy dressing make this a snazzy side dish or lovely summer...
This light and delicious salad is packed with protein, vitamins, and fiber. I tried this while visiting a resort in Marco Island and could not wait to...
This is the perfect lunch or dinner recipe to help you get a great dose of veggies with added flavor and nutrients. Serve garnished with dried basil and...
This is an unusual and tasty high-protein grain salad. Quinoa is a grain that has almost no flavor, but the spices add zest. It's well worth trying, I...
This light and delicious salad is packed with protein, vitamins, and fiber. I tried this while visiting a resort in Marco Island and could not wait to...